♦ Mount Carmel Convent School, Lonand expects from the pupils and the parent's willingness to comply with the requirements and regulations of the school.
♦ Students, whenever they come to school, must wear the uniform prescribed for the season. Those who are not dressed in uniform may be excluded from the class or even sent home.
♦ If for special reasons students do not have any part of their school Uniform shirt, shoes, ID Card, etc a note of excuse duly signed by the parents must be entered in the Parents Remarks page.
♦ Repeated absence or absence for more than ten consecutive days without proper leave application renders a student liable to have her/his name struck off the rolls. Readmission, if granted will be done on the payment of re-admission fee.
♦ Absence/leave in an examination will be treated as having received no marks in it.
♦ Any student found resorting to unfair means in any examination will not be allowed to write the rest of the papers in that semester examination and will not be allowed to continue studies in this school in the next session.
♦ Students are not permitted to be absent on the closing day/reopening day, National Feast Days or whenever there is a school function. Otherwise, a fine of Rs. 50/- would be charged even if the leave application has been submitted.
♦ Parents vehicles will not be allowed inside the school premises for safety reasons.
♦ The rates of fees are subject to change from time to time, due to the increasing cost of maintenance and other expenses.
♦ All the photographs to be used for school purpose or to be attested by the school should be taken in the school uniform.
♦ Parents and students are also bound by the rules and regulations laid down in the "Prospectus" (Diary)
♦ 85% attendance is necessary for promotion to the next class, 75% attendance is required to appear in Board Examinations.
♦ Students are not allowed to bring MotorCycle/ Scooters/mopeds etc. to school without a license and without wearing a helmet.
♦ Students are not allowed to have tuition from the teachers of the school.